The Jean-Baptiste Degoux Society Gazette

This space was founded by the Jean-Baptiste Degoux Society to gather all information about and create a deeper insight in the person and mystery of Jean-Baptiste Degoux (1859- ?), poet, philosopher, camper, archeologist, mail-artist, photographer, inventor, musician, cook, composer, social worker and finally founder of degouism.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Second found letter to a pending member

The second letter to a pending member of the Jean-Baptiste Degoux society.

Shortly after the first one, we found a second letter that was sent to a pending member of the Jean-Baptiste Degoux Society.

The letter is written in Dutch. Again unfortunately time made some pieces of the text unclear.
This time we can notice the letter was numbered: Nr. 63259. What means that at least 63257 more letters have been written. Or was the numbering used only to impress the would-be member?

In a post scriptum we can read that the Jean-Baptiste Degoux Society in that time had a vacancy for a French speaking correspondent.

Posted by MaCo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chers Messieurs,

Quelle joie, c'est merveuilleux. Je vous l'avez dit que JB Degoux était francophile. Enfin la preuve. Déjà dans son temps il voyait l'importance d'un correspondant francophonne. Par cette lettre je prends la liberté de postuler pour cette vacature.
Je ferai le tout possible pour propager cette géniale personalité dans le monde franco-belge.
Votre serviteur modeste,

Didier De Vetter

PS. Sans voulloir recommencer la polémique entre Mr. MM et moi, mais des rumeurs courent que cet individu essaye, une fois de plus, de mettre en discredit Mr Degoux et aussi les fondateurs de notre trés chère société. MM s'est mis en contact avec une certaine femme, Mme JG, qui presume connaître pas mal de détails douteux sur JB Degoux.
Attention: ' Un homme adverti en vaut deux! '

11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Jean-Baptiste Degoux Society has taken under consideration the solicitation of Mr of Vetter.

With respect

12:33 PM  

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