A postcard from the De Vetter Family!
Back of the postcard from the De Vetter family.
Those days, members of the Sociëteit Jean-Baptiste Degoux Society are, like most other normal human beings, busy enjoying the holiday season.
This means that historical research concerning the person of Jean-Baptiste Degoux is brought down to a lower level.
Anyway, the Society stays attentive.
That's why we were so glad today to receive this postcard from Mr Didier De Vetter ( click here for more Vetter ) and his family, apparently staying in France those days.
A first thing drawing our attention in the text written on the back of the postcard is the hesitation in Mr Vetter's writing, making the first line almost unreadable.
Further on, Mr Vetter mentions a (accidental ?) meeting with Mr Maurice Muylaert. It is not quite clear whether he sees this as a positive event or not. Therefore he does not give us enough details.
But we can be quite sure that Mr Degoux will have been subject of their conversation.
Possibly, more news will be following later on.
Thank you for your nice card, Mr of Vetter!